-Black undercoat
-Astronomican Grey base coat
-2 washes of Devlan Mud
-Fortress Grey drybrush
-1:1 Fortress Grey and Skull White drybrush
-Skull White drybrush on the tips of the tentacles
-Glaze of Leviathan Purple on the tips of the tentacles
Both the modelling and painting method have worked out well and I am going to use them again in the future.
I've also started on my second objective marker, entitled "Arrival of the Great Unclean One":
My inspiration for this came partly from around the FtW blogosphere:
1- The rock he's lying on is a bit of bark chipping from the garden, idea courtesy of Ron over at From the Warp
2- The fallen marine idea I robbed from Cawshis Clay from Adepticus Prime and his really nice fallen terminator objective. I didn't think Chaos Space Marines would bother going back for a fallen solider, but I liked the idea of modelling something like this
3- The CSM Codex has a piece of fiction (page 62-63) of the arrival from the warp of a Keeper of Secrets and it says the aspiring champion "gorily exploded with shards of armour and bone scattering across the rocky ground". Sounds gross, so I had to make this :D
The model was easy enough to do:
-The leaning "stone" (bark chip) was PVA glued to the base
-The CSM, which is a pretty old model, had his feet cut abit so he looked like he was lying down rather than standing. I then put a pin through from the bark, through the backpack and into the body and glued it all together.
-The arm was pinned into place. The arm is from the Chaos Spawn box.
-Green stuff was then applied. He's robed and modelled in the same way as the rest of the my CSM force. I added some green stuff guts and gribbly bits.
More pics once he's painted up.
I reckon that your objective markers could double up in an apocalypse game for a Warp Rift marker - great work!
Hot damn! That is really cool! I love the pose and I'm really impressed with how much detail you fit into such a tiny space!
The emerging daemon is great - I was thinking of doing something similar for my Exorcists as if they had to get to the daemon/marker before it fully emerged.
This should look great painted up.
To be honest, the grey didnt do anything for me. A green or brown wash might have kicked it from ok, to "pretty cool" for me. It just seemed too flat to me.
However, I cant wait to see the exploding chaos marine painted. :)
Okay I see your inspiration now. Disregard my other comment/question.
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