Here's a picture I took to use as reference:
...and here's the effect in miniature:
I'm pretty pleased with the outcome for is, and it's easy to do:
1- Use PVA glue to stick sand where you want the lichen to be
2- Paint the rock with whatever colour you want, I used grey (about Codex Grey) and then drybrushed with light grey (about Fortress Grey). Make sure you include the sand in your drybrushing
3- Drybrush the lichen with whatever colour you want it to end up as. In my picture above I used Gretchin Green.
Easy, and it adds instant age. Here's the complete terrain piece:
Simple and easy, love it.
Consider this stolen.
Thanks for the tip, very timely as I'm going to be doing some lichen myself soon.
Awesome, that'll add nicely to my terrain!
Thanks for the comments everyone, glad you found this post useful.
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