Thursday, 30 October 2008

Lost my painting mojo

I've been struggling this week to get any painting done, partly because I've been feeling ill, but partly I've not been feeling inspired. I'm currently painting a 5 member Seraphim squad and I'm struggling to get it done. I'm not sure why but it seems to have taken an inordinately long time to get even the base coat on, and I'm struggling to motivate myself to finish. Last night I did force myself to sit done and get some highlights on their armour, and actually, it was OK. I think the problem might be two fold:

-I've undercoated in white, something I don't normally do, and white is much more unforgiving than my usual black.
-I've chose a stupid armour colour that requires 12 layers to finish it. What was I thinking? Should have just gone for black.

Friday, 10 October 2008

Even more slack than usual

I've been away and round and about so I've done virtually no painting for the last 3 weeks.

Spent a week away on holiday with the kids, and then went to the US for a week with work. 18 hours flying did mean I got to catch up on few podcasts and books.

I'm continuing to read the excellent Horus Heresy series. Fulgrim is really, really good, especially the end (which I won't spoil for you). Descent of Angels which follows it is a real let down though, definitely the weakest book in the series so far, especially as it comes between Fulgrim and Legion which are two very, very good books. The story in DoA adds almost nothing to the overall story of the Heresy, it even seems to end before the Heresy has begun. Unless futures stories are going to link into it, or you're a real Dark Angels fan, then I'd say you could quite easily skip Descent of Angels in the series.

I'm at home more next week, so hopefully I might get to do some painting....